Thursday, July 15, 2010

Now a blogger-Barriers & facilitators

Been pushed through some barriers to finally become a blogger by my desire to do a online course on facilitating communities

Gets me thinking about what have been the barriers and facilitators.


• Time required to get familiar with new software and how and what to use it for.
• Fear of unknown risks – particularly in a work context.
• Our IT Department – Seems to put up barriers.


* This course.
* A favorable reception to project ideas from work using social media and web 2.0 to advance health promotion.
* Good outcome of dabbling with Facebook for work purposes.
* Reading about Web 2.0 revolution.
* Previous experience with achieving amazing stuff pioneering the use of Desttop publishing, then email and latter WWW back a few decades.
* A very basic organisational policy on use of communications tools that gives a green light to use of things like Facebook and other Web 2.0 .
* Clear organizational expectations that we can chart our own professional development and control of a budget to do it.
*My excitement about what could be achieved –Brighter futures wise. (An instant blog name.)

Facilitators overcome barriers and action.

Guess I need to post a short bio and picture.


  1. Hi Malcolm, hope you enjoy the course - let me know if there's anything you'd like to look at that we haven't got on the course schedule.

    As a matter of interest, what barriers have you pushed through to get to this stage?

  2. Barriers to joining this course.

    * Knowing about it.
    * Making a time committment. I did not have much time for this decision.
    * The blogging barrier.
    * Headphones with mic.

  3. Ah yes - the headphones with mic. I have yet to acquire those and it is keeping me from sticking my hand up to facilitate the session next week. At this point I am getting by with the mic and speakers in my laptop. As far as I can tell those are adequate?
