Wednesday, April 13, 2011

BRIG-MOBIMOOC course- Draft Mobile Learning MHealth Project

Please comment on draft #mLearning #mhealth project- Building Resilience Interest Group BRIG using this blog post.


  1. Malcolm, this is some HUGE project! I have read your outline twice, but I must say it seems very complex to me as an outsider. After reading your challenges, I will give you my two cents worth for some of your challenges:

    • How to managing risks to participants who have mobile phone plans that will incur great expenses if they use more than a little mobile data: Using a wifi seems inevitable to avoid costs, you could set-up a wireless router in those areas that have an internet accesspoint, which will allow a (dispersed) mobile data transfer to occur. But ideally participants have to be educated in mobile data transfer risks.
    • How to blend constructivism with connectivism and community of practice in coherent ways.
    • Understanding mobile devices operating systems issues and tech restrictions on various mobile devices: I would try to work around this by using those apps that are as-good-as mobile platform independent (like FB, twitter) or follow the W3C mobile standards ( ).
    • How to develop digital materials to stimulte and sustain learnings conversations (tough one! Someone mentioned using the soap-opera format (Phil or Andreas?) to keep everyone engaged, I liked that idea).
    • How to re-purpose learning materials (develop them in a sustainable digital format, and make them scorm, look at ADL for the scorm:
    • How does Moodle works and fit with mobile devices and cope with orgamisational firewalls (difficult one, I have been co-working on mobile moodle for iPhones and it was a challenge, normally Moodle2.0 will roll out mobile options later in the version).
    • How to help informal students negotiate their way through technologies such as Moodle.
    • How to work with partners to manage a change from an expert role as “sage on the stage” to “guide on the side”.
    • How to explain these new paradigm of of health promotion practice to my own organisational managers who may be unsure of such emergent and unproven mlearning/mhealth practices.
    • How to evaluate this as a health promotion intervention.and as educational intervention.

  2. Fascinating and ambitious project. Good luck.

    Would suggest trying to get a much simpler graphic to explain your vision. It would help communicate what the Community of Practice would look like - what identity the members would have and so on. However, I presume you have a pretty good idea, in Darling Downs, as to who would be involved. They would recognise themselves yes?
